Saturday, August 28, 2004


As i mentioned earlier i have started preparing for 70-320 and i am using amit kalini's book, its actually a nice book... it was a bit concerned about what i can expect but it's not too bad. already picked up a few things like Xml to Datasets and vice versa. Though i seriously think i should have a physical book instead of an ebook... its painful.

Evolution vs creation

a couple of weeks back i had two people from watchtower and they talked to me about my religious beliefs and what i think of religion etc. since i didnt know them i was pretty much frank about it.. its not too difficult being an atheist

well today morning i had a knock on my door and it one of the two people who had visited me along with her husband.. since i was uncomfortable last time around talking on the doorstep.. i invited them in... had a nice chat with them.. i showed them a hymn i dug out from Rigveda its the Creation Hymn.

Anyways... it was nice talking to them... atleast somebody has ears to my philosophical side.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

about time i got my act together

been playing about for a while... and i think its enough for now... need to finish my MCAD.... am planning to give 70-320 in 2 weeks time. After that will try and a drastically different route... a friend suggested *nix cert... i am not too sure about the idea though i dont mind hands on *nix....

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Refreshing my c++

This week i have spent time reading up on c++ again... it doesn't look that bad anymore... the first day was horrible... so used to c# now... i would love to move on to c# permanently but i am keeping my options open again after a long time.. and i reckoned that a bit of c++ & *nix won't do much harm ...

it does take away all the play time i had scheduled for framework 2 beta.. but its just this week... hopefully while i am at it.. i will install mono on redhat 9 and i will get rotor implementation as well... just have a look around..

sometimes i think i download and install just about everything... wish i had more hours to actually play with it all rather than having to decide one over the other.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Installing Framework 2.0 beta on 64

It's funny how both the betas.. beta 1 for Whidbey and beta 2 for Yukon came across in a few days time. I was so seriously hoping that they have the same Framework Beta (or the Language?)..
Wishful thinking. So what do i need to do to get it all working ? well for starters... install Whidbey (for some reason framework takes forever on AMD64).. once you are done with the install... unistall the Framework.. and then install Yukon. that will install another language version of Framework and hopefully this should work :) (atleast that worked on 32bit install)

Oh well another wishful thinking and this time i got bitch-slapped.. yukon won't install no matter what.. i think i am going to call it a day and not bother with yukon on 64... i already have it on 32 and thats the max i am going to go.. 10 trials... with all permutations and combinations and finally got myself on MS "Private" NGs... Jesus... and its a known bug.....
why bother saying
"For the 64-bit Developer Edition (X64):
Windows XP 64-bit AMD Professional 2003, build 1207 or later"

Back to SQL 2k 32 bit for playing with whidbey.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Do I have the right build ?

A few days back when I was having problems installing VS.Net 2k5 on XP 64 I mailed Tim Sneath and Microsoft Staff for Subscriber downloads.

It was kind of Tim to write back to see if I had the version I was looking for. As usual the MS staff were prompt in response and I even had the latest build last week. That sort of thing makes me want to get out of finance and into Software development firm. No bickering... Just do it attitude.

XP Service Pack 2

Done downloading and installing XP SP2 at home. My personal PC @ work should be patched up first thing tomorrow.

you can download it at Subscriber Downloads if you are msdn subscriber else waitup for a few days

Saturday, August 07, 2004

who moved my cheese

A friend of mine.. Vivek Viswanathan asked me to read this book "Who moved my cheese" by "Spensor Johnson".

Very obvious in what its trying to say and its just got me thinking. Thanks mate.

Friday, August 06, 2004

surprise surprise... atleast someone's listening to me

Got this mail from MS team last week saying that they are building a new build and that they will release it when done... and guess what... it was out @ subscribers downloads....
hmmm not too bad....

Will get a chance to play with newer build. I am seriously disappointed though... i hardly know anyone other than myself who's actually excited about this.

Another thing that i am very pleased with... i started up far cry on my current config.. win32 on AMD64 and auto configuration told me that i had a 'High End' system... holy cow.... very very pleased with that... and it plays like a top dog...

Can't wait to try out Doom 3... hope its worth the wait.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Problems with 64bit machine

Having spent my time installing the OS... the next on i went about installing visual studio... kept failing on me with 25008 errors...
god what a grief... anyho... tried the internet and found a few posts here and there.. and i remember reading the readme.htm... it said something about build 1184... apparently the one posted for downloads is v1069... i dont know how you can expect people to beta test the software when they dont have the right build for the OS... wrote to msdn subscriber downloads and they did reply promptly saying that they have forwarded the mail to the concerned department. oh well...

so i thought... might as well just use 32 for now... so put it on normal xp... and not too bad.... the best part is the temperature... the processor is wicked... it does an average of 31-32 degree... if i am using it like hell.... 40-41... almost reminds me of my good old PIII 1GHz dual proc... (27 - 37) as compared to my Shuttle (AMD XP 2500 Barton)... which does a normal stays at 46 degrees with CPU Idle running all the time... if i pump it up... the temperature goes 60 and stays there for most of the time...

Noticed another funny thing... AMD 64 chips come with Cool & Quiet drivers (have to download it from amd site) i looked around and i couldn't find XP 64 drivers... thats a shame considering that that OS is purely geared towards AMD 64 market... still in beta but if AMD dont take the initiative... who will ?