Having spent my time installing the OS... the next on i went about installing visual studio... kept failing on me with 25008 errors...
god what a grief... anyho... tried the internet and found a few posts here and there.. and i remember reading the readme.htm... it said something about build 1184... apparently the one posted for downloads is v1069... i dont know how you can expect people to beta test the software when they dont have the right build for the OS... wrote to msdn subscriber downloads and they did reply promptly saying that they have forwarded the mail to the concerned department. oh well...
so i thought... might as well just use 32 for now... so put it on normal xp... and not too bad.... the best part is the temperature... the processor is wicked... it does an average of 31-32 degree... if i am using it like hell.... 40-41... almost reminds me of my good old PIII 1GHz dual proc... (27 - 37) as compared to my Shuttle (AMD XP 2500 Barton)... which does a normal stays at 46 degrees with CPU Idle running all the time... if i pump it up... the temperature goes 60 and stays there for most of the time...
Noticed another funny thing... AMD 64 chips come with Cool & Quiet drivers (have to download it from amd site) i looked around and i couldn't find XP 64 drivers... thats a shame considering that that OS is purely geared towards AMD 64 market... still in beta but if AMD dont take the initiative... who will ?
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